How To Get A Job As A Mechanic?
You need to think about how to get a job as a mechanic, before you actually finish your training. You need tell people that you are looking for a job. You also want to get a job as soon as you finish training. Also, it's important to research, and apply for positions, so you can hit the ground running. During the many interviews, you'll be able to get a sense of how much certain positions pay, and what experience they need.
Networking is about keeping in touch with people you already know, as well as meeting new people.
You can use linkedin to keep in touch with new contacts and use facebook with the people you already have rapport with. They key to networking is give and take, you have to give something of value to others, so others will not feel that you are only contacting them when you need them.
The second important thing to think about, is having the right attitude and be a person of good character.
Be willing to work hard, be able to work with people from all walks of life and to have good character.
There are high paying jobs out there, but some of them require you to have a clean record and pass a background check. Keep your record crime free and in time you'll find a good paying job whether as a mechanic or something else.
I was lucky to get a job, as a train maintenance technician, because I have a previous co-worker that works with the train company. I've always kept in touch with that co-worker and when the time came, when I asked if he was aware of any company hiring? He informed me of the opening and the rest was history. After getting hire as a train mechanic, I found out that most of the people that work there only find out about the job through referral. It's very rare that the company ever hires people that have not been referred. They are really picky of the character of the people they hire.
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